Ritwika Gupta

Articles by Ritwika Gupta


Creative Picks | EP 132 | Fortune Foods, GMR Group & Radiocity

Ritwika reviews marketing campaigns by Fortune Foods, GMR Group and Radiocity.


Melt In A Minute | Twitter Bans Political Ads, Facebook Ad Revenue Rises & MORE

Ahead of the 2020 US elections, Twitter will ban political ads from 22 November 2019.


Creative Picks | EP 129 | Roff, Bikaji, Tanishq

Ritwika Gupta reviews ads by Roff, Bikaji snacks and Tanishq.


Melt In A Minute | Global Ad Investment To Grow By 6%, according to WARC’s new report & MORE

While Twitter blames ad targeting problems for weak growth, Amazon claims aggressive investment to push Prime two-day delivery to one-day delivery is weighing on its profitability.


Melt In A Minute | Facebook To Beef Up Brand Safety Measures ZEEL’s Ad Revenue Grew By 1.2% & MORE

Snapchat is rolling out a new ad format that will let brands automatically create ads in real-time based on their own product catalogue.


Melt In A Minute | Netflix To Increase Marketing Spend, Eros Now Appoints Ali Hussein As CEO & MORE

With Apple TV and Disney+ launching next month, Netflix is gearing up with an increase in its marketing spend. The streaming giant is also eyeing other markets to expand the 'mobile only' plan.


Creative Picks | EP 128 | MTV, Dabur Honey, Burger King

Ritwika Gupta reviews marketing campaigns by MTV, Dabur Honey and Burger King.


Melt In A Minute | Facebook Releases New Holiday Marketing Tools, Singapore To Ban Fizzy Drink Ads & MORE

From Pond’s Men roping in Siddhant Chaturvedi as new brand ambassador to Facebook releasing new holiday marketing tools, here are the top stories of the day:


Melt In A Minute | Facebook Hosts Inaugural Thumbstoppers Summit In Mumbai & MORE

From Facebook hosting the inaugural Thumbstoppers summit In Mumbai to DNA shutting print editions in Mumbai & Ahmedabad, here are the top headlines of the day: