
Articles in Marketing


The Power Of Celebrity Endorsements In The Digital Era

Ritwika Gupta reviews GroupM’s showbiz marketing report 2017 which covers the many aspects of celebrity brand endorsements and talks about how social media is redefining these partnerships.


Why Every Marketer Should Master Blockchain

R Gowthaman opines that Blockchain technology helps build trust between two stakeholders without compromising either position.


Ready To Melt with Anant Rangaswami: Podcast Episode 10

Do "raindrops keep falling on your head"? Or, have you "been down so long?"


I’m 56, And Age Is On My Side

What does age give to you that youth cannot? All this knowledge can be turned into a sustainable advantage in the market you operate in.


KFC’s Big Secret Revealed on Twitter

Here is why the brand only follows 11 people in this mastermind Twitter marketing stunt.


Munaf Kapadia on “The Anti-Product” at #ZeeMelt 2017

Munaf Kapadia quit his well-paying job at the multinational giant Google, and is now the proud owner of The Bohri Kitchen (TBK) in Mumbai.


Darren Burns on How China Is Transforming Global Communications at #ZeeMelt 2017

Darren Burns has been in China for more than two decades, and vouches for the increasing quality of Chinese marketing communications and practices.


Hemant Mehta on “The Media Dark Research Release” at #ZeeMelt 2017

Kantar's Hemant Mehta presents data that validates the importance of the mobile phone in the traditionally viewed media dark areas of India.


Arun Pattabhiraman on “Mobile Video Done Right” at #ZeeMelt 2017

An in-depth session on one of the most popular creative outlets for communication today, Mobile Video by InMobi's Arun Pattabhiraman.


Samir Bikram Singh on “A Mobile Video Nation” at #ZeeMelt 2017

India's at a very exciting phase with its base of 300mn smartphone users, that translates to only a 30% market penetration rate.