
Articles in Media


Zee Melt 2019 | Do platforms matter at all? Or is it only programs that matter?

Arre and Hotstar debate on the strengths of the content platforms in this panel discussion from Zee MELT 2019.


Zee Melt 2019 | What are we missing?

Behavioural science decoded for advertising and marketing minds by Rory Sutherland.


Zee MELT 2019 | Simple is art, complicated is stupid.

Dave Trott is all about creativity, and simplicity.


Zee MELT 2019 | The unorthodox thinking that makes Amul the leading FMCG company in India

RS Sodhi on the secret sauce that fuels Amul.


TV, Print Inventory Glut: Busting The myth

"The buying-selling power equation that we see currently, that the buyer is more powerful than the seller, is rubbish."


Hemant Mehta on “The Media Dark Research Release” at #ZeeMelt 2017

Kantar's Hemant Mehta presents data that validates the importance of the mobile phone in the traditionally viewed media dark areas of India.


Swapnil Sinha on “Marketing Measurement Via Attribution” at #ZeeMelt 2017

What is Google's Attribution Model, and how can brands and marketers adapt their approach to measuring and analyzing evolving user behaviour? Answers by Google's Swapnil Sinha.


Arun Pattabhiraman on “Mobile Video Done Right” at #ZeeMelt 2017

An in-depth session on one of the most popular creative outlets for communication today, Mobile Video by InMobi's Arun Pattabhiraman.


Aditi Shrivastava says “Engagement Is The New TRP” at #ZeeMelt 2017

Success on digital media isn't only about reach. It's more about engagement with the audience, says Aditi Shrivastava from Pocket Aces.


Nick Burfitt on Communication Planning at #ZeeMelt 2017

Kantar Media's Nick Burfitt shares the results of "Dimensions", a study that considers the impact of communications from the twin perspectives of the industry leaders, and the consumers they are trying to reach.