Articles in Mobile
November 7, 2019
Melt | MMA | Priya Nair & Siddharth Banerjee
Has measurement and data overtaken creativity in mobile marketing?
August 26, 2019
Melt TV | Episode 45 | Priya Nair
How can marketers improve their usage of mobile? Answers from Priya Nair.
September 14, 2017
Dave Christison on “The Viral Experiment” at #ZeeMelt 2017
Is there a recipe for a viral video? Dave Christison spills the beans using examples from The Woolshed Company's greatest viral hits.
September 14, 2017
Hemant Mehta on “The Media Dark Research Release” at #ZeeMelt 2017
Kantar's Hemant Mehta presents data that validates the importance of the mobile phone in the traditionally viewed media dark areas of India.
September 14, 2017
Arun Pattabhiraman on “Mobile Video Done Right” at #ZeeMelt 2017
An in-depth session on one of the most popular creative outlets for communication today, Mobile Video by InMobi's Arun Pattabhiraman.
September 14, 2017
Aditi Shrivastava says “Engagement Is The New TRP” at #ZeeMelt 2017
Success on digital media isn't only about reach. It's more about engagement with the audience, says Aditi Shrivastava from Pocket Aces.
September 14, 2017
Samir Bikram Singh on “A Mobile Video Nation” at #ZeeMelt 2017
India's at a very exciting phase with its base of 300mn smartphone users, that translates to only a 30% market penetration rate.
September 14, 2017
Sarah Owen on Engaging Millenials & GenZs at #ZeeMelt 2017
What are the key priorities for Millenials and GenZ consumers, and where do they overlap? WGSN's Sarah Owen spills the beans.
September 14, 2017
Samir Patil on “Owning The Conversation” at #ZeeMelt 2017
In this presentation at the Future Citizens hall,'s Samir Patil chalks out the steps brands can follow to own conversations online.
September 13, 2017
Abhinav Chetan on Machine Learning & Google Ads at #ZeeMelt 2017
How will Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence change Google's Marketing Platforms? Google's Abhinav Chetan explains at Zee MELT 2017.